March Beer of the Month - Red's Rye PA (Founder's Brewing Company)

The best beer in the world!

As a self proclaimed beerie (it's like a foodie, only solely focused on beer), a typical trip to my local beer store involves me seeking out something I've never tried before.  I stumbled upon Founder's Brewing Company's Red's Rye PA a couple of months ago, and it's now become a beer that I look to always have in my fridge.  It's a must have for any IPA lover.  

It pours a gorgeous amber color with a thick, foamy head.  A subtle hops aroma is just noticeable.  The taste?  It blows me away like nothing I've ever tried before.  An intense hop bitterness is apparent as it hits the tongue, giving way to the Belgian and Rye malts as you swallow it down.  The complexities of this beer always leave me yearning for more.  Do yourself a favor and get your hands on this masterpiece, which is now the #1 beer on my list.

ABV: 6.6%
IBUS: 70